Surviving the Pandemic
Singapore is now virtually under lockdown.
It seems realtors can no longer meet clients and all their appointments have been cancelled.
So what are realtors to do?
How can realtors work and make money during a month-long shutdown?
By definitely not panicking.
Let me tell you something.
It will get worse before it gets better.
You can go back online if you're not already online.
Prepare yourself to hit the ground running when things improve.
Shift focus away from Sales to 'Top of Mind Consciousness'.
This means you're on your prospects' radar in a good way, just not actively selling to them.
- Show that you care.
- Show your concern for everyone.
It's a time when everyone is scared and very worried.
Everyone is suffering.
Give them hope, be gentler, be kinder.
Send them messages of comfort.
Share your optimism.
Have the right kind of mindset.
Transition from a Hunter to a Farmer.
Now is not the time for hard selling. It's time for gentle nurturing.
Because in times of economic booms it makes sense to be a Hunter and think about closing, closing and closing.
But in times of panic and pandemics, it does not make sense to be a hard selling salesman.
Everyone will quickly get turned off.
It's a time to use your softer, gentler side in order to nurture relationships.
You've got to be vigilant and flexible.
What about the inevitable slowdowns because of this shutdown?
Of course, the recession is already here.
The Viral Pandemic may improve in the coming months, only for us to head straight into a recession.
Now is the time for you to be the leader you always wanted to be. Empathise with your prospects.
Because when things improve, they will remember you.
You were there when they were down.
You uplifted them when they were feeling low.
This is the Perfect Opportunity to Upgrade Yourself
Take this time to improve yourself.
- Take up courses.
- Read books on marketing.
- Improve your communication.
- Get online.
- Invest in virtual platforms and online meetings.
Think long term.
And that is how you can survive this Coronavirus Pandemic lockdown.
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Yasser Khan is a real estate coach, speaker, and trainer at YasserKhan.SG who teaches Realtors how to make more Money, have more Time and enjoy more Freedom without all the B.S.
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