Is it possible to have work life balance in real estate?
There are so many answers out there.
Some say that there's no balance. Others claim to do it easily.
So what's the answer?
The single most consistent answer has to do with habits.
How do you something is how you do everything.
And it's true.
Look at any area of your life and compare the results with how you approach that area.
So here's the thing.
Secrets of Highly Productive Top Agents
There are 3 key areas you need to focus in order to achieve work life balance.
- Space
- Time
- Energy
That's it.
Focus on these three and you'll achieve balance.
Still not enough?
Let me explain.
Secret #1: Space
By this I mean physical space.
Obviously, the best option is to have your own dedicated space to concentrate on work and minimise distractions so that you can get more done.
But obviously, everyone's different.
Not everyone may have their own dedicated workspace or a home office.
That's where time comes in.
Secret #2: Time
What is your daily routine like?
What are your family members doing at a specific time (assuming you don't live alone)?
Are you factoring in their needs and routines?
I made the mistake of not taking into consideration the needs of my family.
And my productivity suffered.
Of course, few people can totally zone out and not let their family members distract them away from working.
But the majority will need to do something about this.
I solved this by carefully documenting my own routine and my wife's and kids' routines.
I downloaded smartphone apps that let me know where I spent my time on.
I noted my family's meal times, play times, sleep times.
Then I found a pattern.
And that was the time I could work in.
But sometimes, even that time wasn't enough.
And that had to do with Energy.
Secret #3: Energy
Everyone, including me, has a time when we're 'in the zone'.
We're our most productive, energetic, motivated selves.
Everyone's different, but my Zen state was in the evenings.
Yours might be in the mornings.
Go and find out.
And that's how you balance family and work life during the coronavirus.
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Yasser Khan is a real estate coach, speaker, and trainer at YasserKhan.SG who teaches Realtors how to make more Money, have more Time and enjoy more Freedom without all the B.S.
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