- How to handle rejection in sales calls or appointments?
- Are objections a form of rejection?
Many property agents don't want to admit to themselves, but they're actually afraid of objections.
They confuse the issue of objection vs rejection.
That's because they take objections on phone calls or in appointments as a form of rejection.
And they take this rejection personally.
Too personally, in fact.
That is bad for professionalism.
And it's bad news for you.
How to Overcome Your Fear of Rejection
Here's the thing.
You have to realise that objections are not rejection.
They're not the enemy...
Objections are simply a normal part of a sales process.
Only interested prospects have objections.
People who don't intend to buy something, do not have any objection at all to that thing.
Why should they?
They're not interested and they're not buying!
In fact, the worst thing is not an objection; it's a lack of interest!
Think about it.
Lack of interest means they're not even on the radar for a purchase intent!
Therefore, objections are an agent's best friend!
But even if they have an objection, it's nothing personal!
They don't have a vendetta against you!
They have their own reasons for objections.
And those reasons may not even have anything to do with you!
The key is knowing how to handle this tactfully.
How to Handle Every Single Objection
The short answer is, you DON'T.
Here's why.
The only person qualified enough to answer an objection is the one making it!
That's it!
Only prospects have the answers to every single one of their own objections!
You don't need to do their job!
What you should do, however, is to probe them further.
Always answer an objection with a question with the goal of uncovering their real reason behind that particular objection.
You're not deflecting their concerns.
You're not avoiding their scrutiny.
You're simply going after the root issues.
And those real issues are not for you to resolve; they're for the prospects to solve.
The second thing you should do is follow a proven script that keeps you on track.
You can download many such scripts from
The third thing you should know is that even rejection brings you closer to success.
Every NO brings you one step closer to a YES.
So, to summarise, you will need to do these things:
- Answer every objection back with a question
- Always use a proven script
- Never take objections and rejection personally
Now go sell some houses!
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Yasser Khan is a real estate coach, speaker, and trainer at YasserKhan.SG who teaches Realtors how to make more Money, have more Time and enjoy more Freedom without all the B.S.
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