How to Use Real Estate Keywords to Get FREE Leads From Google

Lead Generation / Prospecting | Marketing / SEO

How to Use Real Estate Keywords to Get FREE Leads From Google1 min read

If you’ve ever rolled your eyes whenever a tech-savvy real estate agent starts talking about digital marketing and rapidly fires jargon like real estate keywords, SERP, PPC, CTR, CPM, CPL, or ROAS, you’re not alone. Well, I’ve interviewed people for digital marketing positions who couldn’t even define the jargon they themselves were using in the interview! Not real estate agents mind you, but digital marketing professionals. Clearly there’s a problem here.

So in order to demystify some of the jargon and strategies you’ll face when you start learning how to promote your real estate agent business online, I put together this in-depth article explaining what keywords are and how to find the best ones to generate home buyer, seller, renter leads for FREE.

Since keywords and keyword strategy is surprisingly complex, let’s start with the basics:


What Are Real Estate Keywords?

Real estate keywords are words or short phrases that Google and other search engines use to categorize content online. Generally speaking, the real estate keyword(s) used in an article will represent the main subject of the article or webpage. Keywords on their own are useless because they need to reside in content in order to be meaningful for users. A blog post is the VEHICLE that builds up your inventory of keywords that real people SEARCH for.

What Are The Best Real Estate Keywords?

Unfortunately, finding the best real estate keywords for your geographic farm area is going to take a lot more work than copy/pasting a list from a website. There are two very simple reasons why keywords from a generic list like this 👉will not get you any leads from your website:👈

  1. Generic keyword lists only show what the most people are searching for. They DO NOT mention that most of them are almost impossible to rank for. Even PropertyGuru & Zillow have trouble ranking for some keywords!
  2. Even if by some miracle you manage to rank near PropertyGuru, Zillow, Trulia, your local MLS, or giant chain brokerages like Keller Williams and ERA, getting traffic outside your farm area is not going to help you close more deals. Period.

Still, it’s important to get an idea of what kind of keywords rank in Singapore, so all caveats aside, here’s a list of some of the best performing real estate keywords.

List of 14 Best Real Estate Keywords in Singapore

Searches per Month (SG)
Difficulty (ahrefs, June 2022)
Real Estate
Homes for sale near me
Houses for sale near me
House for sale
Real estate agent
How to buy a house
Condos for sale
Townhouse for sale
Realtors near me
Cheap houses for sale
Bank Auctions
Waterfront homes for sale
Real estate agent
How much is my house worth?

Understanding Search Volume & Keyword Difficulty Estimates

Since the goal of your website is to get traffic and leads, the main criteria that professional bloggers use to measure the editorial value of a keyword is the number of searches it gets per month on Google.

Search Volume: Potential Monthly Traffic

This number is called the keyword’s search volume. As you might imagine, the higher the search volume the more potential traffic you can get from writing about it, but search volume alone only tells us how many people search for a term.

As you can imagine, the higher the search volume, the more websites trying to compete for the top spots in Google for that term. The reason why is clear; if you rank No. 1 for a very high volume keyword, your site will get a ton of traffic.

Keyword Difficulty: How Hard it is to Rank For a Keyword

Luckily, SEO software companies like Moz and Ahrefs came up with a way to measure how hard it is to rank for specific keywords. This is called keyword difficulty. Generally speaking, the higher the search volume, the higher the difficulty since there will be more competition, but some keywords with relatively low search volume can have very high difficulty.

Understanding EAT Signals & Domain Authority

Real Estate Keywords to Get More Leads

Before we dig into how to research and use keywords, let’s take a quick look at other factors Google uses to rank websites.

EAT Signals

EAT is an acronym coined by Google that stands for expertise, authority, and trustworthiness—three criteria that Google uses besides keywords in order to decide which article from which website gets ranked highly. How Google measures EAT is a bit too complicated to get into here, but it’s still important to understand that Google values EAT highly. Much more highly than keywords!

Domain Authority

Domain authority is less about the EAT of your company and more about the trustworthiness of your website. Things like age of website (older is better), the quality of writing, other high quality sites linking to yours, and low spam scores all contribute to a site’s domain authority.

Here’s a quick example: The National Association of Realtors has been online since the mid-nineties and is pretty much the most trustworthy source for real estate information in the country. Therefore, Google ranks content from NAR very highly. If NAR decides to write an article on dual agency, chances are it will rank very well and very quickly.

Why These Real Estate Keywords Lists Won’t Work.

Hopefully by now if you’ve been paying attention, you’re starting to realize that while keywords are crucial, ranking on Google is a lot harder than just having the right keywords. Believe it or not, this is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to how Google picks search results. They even use artificial intelligence, and their exact criteria for ranking remains a closely guarded and always-changing secret.

Even if you are writing for a site like PropertyGuru, Zillow or Inman, your goal for your website is not just traffic. You only want relevant traffic that has the potential to convert into leads and deals. That means ranking No. 1 for a real estate keyword in Florida might get you some traffic, but it will be useless to you if you live and work in Michigan!

Don’t worry though, luckily you know us, and we have firsthand experience building huge six figure monthly traffic sites by ranking articles on Google… In fact, chances are you’re probably reading this because you found us on Google, right? 😉

DIY Keyword Research Tools You’ll Need to Find The Best Real Estate Keywords

OK, if generic keyword lists like the one above won’t help you rank higher on Google, how can you find the keywords that will?

Simple. With a lot of research, a lot of time analyzing Google search results pages (SERPs), and patience, you’ll come up with a list of relevant and targeted keywords that you can use to plan the content you’ll create for an entire year.

Unfortunately, effective keyword research requires proprietary tools in order to get the best data quickly. Since Google doesn’t really publish their search criteria and only offers search volume for customers who buy their PPC ads, a handful of SEO software companies have swooped in to fill this void for a fee.

Here are the top three paid keyword research tools I use every day in order to plan our evergreen (traffic comes mostly from Google searches) content for YKC and our clients.


Real Estate Keywords to Get More Leads - ahrefs logo

What it does: Search volume & keyword difficulty, site audits, rank tracker + more
Cost: Starting at USD $99 per month
Ease of Use: Easy, Beginner

My favourite SEO tool for keyword research is Ahrefs. Ahrefs has very similar tools that competitors like Moz offer, but its data is much more accurate (according to my own research, that is). It also gives you questions people ask along with the keywords. You can even set automated email alerts for keywords, backlinks and unlinked mentions. Plus, I find the Ahrefs interface super easy and their blog is chock-full of amazingly helpful training and resources. If given a choice to pick only 1 SEO tool, I will always choose ahrefs over the rest any day.


Real Estate Keywords to Get More Leads - moz logo

What it does: Search volume & difficulty, domain authority, page grader, local market analytics + more
Cost: Starting at USD $99 per month ($79 per month if paid annually)
Ease of Use: Medium, Advanced

One of the earliest SEO tools, Moz actually invented its own domain authority metric which is widely used in the industry. You can also use Moz to find what other sites are ranking for, as well as who is linking to them.


Real Estate Keywords to Get More Leads - semrush logo

What it does: Competitor research, keyword analytics, backlink tracking + more
Cost: Starting at $99 per month
Ease of Use: Hard, Professional

SEMrush is the go-to tool in the SEO industry for spying on your competitors’ websites to see and track what keywords they rank for as well as getting lists of other sites that link to your competitor’s site. However, the interface is extremely cluttered and very unintuitive, which makes it very hard to use, even for someone as experienced as me.

Cheaper Alternative: Hire a Freelance Keyword Researcher on Fiverr

Why it might make sense: SEO software is expensive and takes time to learn, use and get results
Cost for keyword research: $5-$150 (may not be one-time)

Of course since writing evergreen content and optimizing it for Google is not your main gig anyway as a fulltime realtor, shelling out for expensive SEO software you don’t really know how to use might not make much sense either. There’s also the fact that even once you’re an expert at the software, finding great keywords still takes a lot of time, patience and effort.

By hiring someone on Fiverr to do your keyword research for you, you can get a simple spreadsheet of keywords and article ideas that will give you a road map for the year for less than the price of a month of SEO software. More to the point, the person you hire will probably find the good stuff much faster than you can on your own.

Just make sure to ask them if they’re using the software listed above, and get a list of keywords with search volume, keyword difficulty, and maybe some lists of what keywords your biggest competitors already rank for.

Click below to head over to Fiverr and find someone to do your keyword research starting at just five bucks.

Visit Fiverr

How to Research & Find The Best Real Estate Keywords for YOUR Farm Area

OK, now that you have a better understanding of why generic lists won’t work and the tools you need, let’s take a look at finding and evaluating keywords to use for your blog.

1. Understand That The Days of “Tricking” Google are Long Gone

Before we get started, we have one more important caveat for you. While it might have been possible to “trick” Google by stuffing a bunch of keywords on one page, or ranking for keywords that are not real estate related, those days are long gone. Instead, focus on finding keywords that will get you local traffic, and will also be of interest to your potential leads.

Read 6 Risky Black Hat SEO Tactics to Avoid (And Their White Hat Alternatives)

2. Research Keywords Your Competitors Already Rank For (DIY or Freelancer)

The first step to doing keyword research is the research your local competitors. Are they ranking on Google for local keywords? You might be surprised to learn that many real estate companies, even very successful ones, don’t bother trying to rank on Google.

While you can always gather a list of keywords and run Google searches to see who ranks for which keyword, there is a much easier way to figure out what your competitors rank for: SEMrush.

All you need to do is plug your competitors domain name into SEMrush, scroll down to the ‘Top Organic Keyword” section, then click on “View Full Report.”

Real Estate Keywords to Get More Leads

Now you have a list of all the keywords your competitors rank for on Google. You can even sort by an estimate of how much traffic they get from ranking certain keywords, the article that ranks, and of course the search volume and difficulty rankings.

Once you have lists run for your competitors, you can either save as a spreadsheet or save in SEMrush. If you’re working with a Fiverr keyword researcher, be sure and ask for a spreadsheet like this from competitors.

One caveat here is that SEMrush’s search volume and difficulty ratings are not quite as accurate as Ahref’s or Moz’s. Since most hyperlocal keywords will only have a handful of searches per month, accuracy is pretty important. Go for ahrefs data.

Read How Accurate Are the Search Traffic Estimations in Ahrefs? (New Research)

3. Research All the Keywords You’ll Need for One Year of Content (DIY or Freelancer)

Fire up Ahrefs Keyword Explorer and start plugging in some general search terms about real estate, then try and drill down to local and hyperlocal searches.

Ahrefs will of course give you pretty accurate search volume and keyword difficulty, as well as an estimate of cost per click for social media advertising, parent topic, related questions, as well as keywords using similar terms and SERP features.

Once you find keywords or groups of keywords that have relatively high search volume and relatively low difficulty, then save as a spreadsheet to use in Excel or Google Sheets, or save to Ahrefs as a keyword list. Just remember that hyperlocal keywords with search volume of only 20 or 20 searches per month might only get you 10 page views, but since these will be “down funnel” results (people who are closer to making a purchasing decision) that traffic will be worth its weight in gold. Even better, difficulty should be low enough that ranking quickly is possible.

What to Search Ahrefs for

One of the tricky things about Ahrefs is that the results you get back are only as good as the information you plug in. Here’s some tips for what to look for to get better results:

  • Hyperlocal keywords
  • Keywords that offer specific types of local property (waterfront, landed, etc.)
  • Common questions your leads ask
  • Real estate search terms + your farm area name
  • Instructional keywords (how to buy a house, how to get approved for a mortgage etc.)
  • Questions about your farm area
  • Questions about working with a Realtor
  • Questions about types of homes
  • Questions about common home repairs
  • Questions about home values and what affects them

If you’re working with a keyword researcher, ask them for keywords using similar criteria.

See How to Do Keyword Research for SEO

4. Research SERPs for Your Keywords (DIY or Freelancer)

While you should get this automatically when you run keyword searches in Ahrefs, sometimes you might want to check for yourself. One reason why checking the SERPs yourself is important is that Google changes its algorithm regularly and frequently, which might change who ranks for your keyword, or what SERP features there are like snippets, local pack, “People also ask” drop downs, videos, and more.

Search Intent

One thing you should pay particular attention to when looking at SERPs is trying to figure out what the search intent is for people searching for those keywords. For the most part, Google will try and rank articles, videos, or other content in order to provide the “best” answer to the question searchers are asking.

For example, if someone searches for “How to Sell My House,” and you find lots of how-to guides on the front page, then it’s likely that searchers are clicking on how-to guides (and you should put up a how-to guide as well if you want to rank for this keyword). If someone searches “Best Realtor in Singapore” then you’ll be more likely to find list posts. Take note of what kinds of articles rank well for your keywords, and remember to bookmark the top five to take a deep dive into later when you're ready to write.

4. Plan Your Content For the Year (DIY)

OK, by now if you’ve followed along with our keyword research strategy, you should have a list of keywords with search volume and difficulty from Ahrefs, a list of what your competitors rank for and an estimate of how much traffic they get, as well as a basic overview of what kind of content is ranking for those keywords.

The next step is to sit down and prioritize the content you think will have the biggest impact on your audience. There are two main strategies for prioritizing content. Prioritize the content that has the highest search volume and lowest difficulty, or prioritize the content that is most important to your audience.

For beginners, I recommend prioritizing content that is important for your audience. You will probably not rank right way, but you can also blast this content out via email, social media, paid ads, etc.

How SEO Experts Use Real Estate Keywords in Their Content

Of course even if you spent a ton of money or time finding amazing keywords, they will be useless for your business unless you know how to use them. While this topic will be covered in more detail in later articles, here’s a quick best practices guide for using real estate keywords.

Useful Tool:

ahrefs free SEO tools

What it does: This selection of free SEO tools will help you with various SEO tasks, such as keyword research, on-page SEO, link building, and more. 
Cost: While limited compared to a paid Ahrefs account, they’re still immensely valuable for anyone who’s just starting out in SEO. USD $99 monthly cost for premium version (recommended)

1. Write for Your Audience First, Google Second

Always remember that your main goal here is to educate your reader first, and show up on Google second. In fact, if your article is spammy, it won’t rank on Google for long as Google regularly tests how many people click on articles on the front page and even how long they stay on the page. If everyone bounces from your article right away, Google will rank other articles above yours.

💡 Remember, the customer is not a moron. She's your wife.

2. Pay Specific Attention to Titles, Meta Descriptions & Sub Headings (H2, H3, H4 etc.)

There are three key places you want to add keywords to your blog posts. In order of importance: The title, the meta description, and the H2s of your article. Try to use the keywords naturally in all three places. Don’t jam them into sentences or articles that don’t match the search intent of the reader you spent so much time researching in step 4!

3. Use a Table of Contents to Make it Easy to Read

Adding a table of contents (like how I've done in this post) is not only a best practice, it helps users quickly get to the sections they want and helps Google structure your data as well. Notice how adding a table of content makes a post more readable and compelling? So, always organise your posts.

4. Don’t Use a Real Estate Keyword For More Than One Blog Post

If you download the Yoast plugin for WordPress, this is one of the first warnings you’re likely to get. Generally speaking, it’s a bad idea to write more than one article targeting the same keyword. Even worse, NEVER try and rank subtle variations of the same keyword in different articles thinking you’ll trick Google. You won’t. You'll end up cannibalizing your own keywords and traffic. It's far better to write a new blog post for another real estate keyword.

5. Avoid Keyword Stuffing

The idea here is to use keywords naturally in your articles which should give you something like a 1% keyword density. In other words, if your article is 100 words long, you should use the keyword one time in the body copy. As long as you have the keyword in the title, meta, and H2s, then you don’t need to worry about how many times you use the keyword in the body copy. Just use it whenever it’s natural to use it in a sentence or paragraph.

6. Remember to Include EAT Signals

Since you want your articles to signal EAT (Expertise, Authority, Trust) to Google, you should always include EAT signals in your articles. At a minimum, your WordPress author biography should have your credentials including industry designations, and you should quote and link to other real estate experts in your articles.

7. Write Blog Post Content Above the Fold

Users want to get to your post RIGHT NOW. Therefore make sure your blog post is visible above the fold, which is the area immediately below the url. Notice how this post is also configured to appear above the fold.

See How to Rank Higher On Google In 2022

8. Get Backlinks to Your New Blog Post

If all you do is create new content (even with high traffic keywords), you run the real risk of not growing your organic traffic. That's why you need backlinks. Make sure you do email outreach to request backlinks from others. (Just don't be patronising or self-centred. Really.)

Read "I Just Deleted Your Outreach Email Without Reading. And NO, I Don’t Feel Sorry."

9. Link to Your New Blog Post From Older Blog Posts

Linking to your new blog post from your older blog posts can help you rank better as it helps Google “read” and categorize the content on your site. This is another thing the Yoast plugin will recommend and make it quite easy for your do this by yourself. I've done exactly this in the previous point above.

See Real Estate SEO: The Ultimate Guide for 2022 (10 Steps to Fast Ranking)

10. Review Keywords & Update Your Blog Post Once per Year

Finally, if you want to rank on Google long term, you’re going to want to update your blog posts at least once a year, more often for important pages. Go back and change the date, add relevant new information of news, and try and make your article more readable and useful for your readers. You may opt to click on 'Republish', which will publish it as a new post.

Read Republishing Content: How to Update Old Blog Posts for SEO

Your Turn

What did you think of my guide to researching and using real estate keywords? Let me know in the comments.

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Author, Coach & Trainer

Yasser Khan earned less than $1,000 in his first year as a full time property agent. With no money for the $2 train fare to his Broker's office, he was forced to walk 25 kilometers on foot. Worse, he got evicted at midnight with his wife and baby son by the roadside. Desperate, he bought a $16 Sales book and took massive action. That single investment in himself gave him an OBSCENE ROI of $160,000 in just 11 months. Today, Yasser is on a mission to make the real estate great career again and helps ambitious agents quadruple their commission income within 90 days.

Yasser Khan is a real estate coach at YasserKhan.SG, trainer at and the author of Property Agent Secrets Book who teaches Realtors how to make more Money, have more Time and enjoy more Freedom without all the B.S. plaguing the industry today.  

Yasser Khan’s approach to coaching is highly personalised, holistic, no B.S., and for “PROS ONLY… amateurs not allowed.” He believes that true success means winning in every single area of your life (like Financial, Family, Social, Physical, Mental, Spiritual and Fun).

When Yasser isn’t coaching, he loves playing GOTY PC Games with top-of-the-line Razer products and being a kid again with his 3 naughty children (actually, boss babies...), traveling to and across scenic Pakistan, enjoying hot & spicy food, taking pictures of the Milky Way with his favourite Canon DSLR and reading up all about Dinosaurs (especially T. Rex)


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